Moira Duggan. New England (American Travellers)
Moira Duggan. New England (American Travellers)
New York: Gallery Books, 1990. 64 с.: илл.


New England is more than the six states that
comprise it geographically. For many Americans,
it represents the source of our nation's
intellectual, spiritual, and political heritage.
Although many parts of the united States
were settled earlier than New England,
somehow they do not have the same hold on our imagination.

Everything that the magic name New England conjures up
is here to enjoy in this beautiful book.
Its pages invite you to travel the region's back roads
and broad ways, to savor its changes of scenery and season,
and to see what the states embody independently and

From Connecticut to Maine, from Massachusetts and Rhode Island
to New Hampshire and Vermont, here are its white-spired
churches, covered bridges, and serene village greens;
its varied mountains, rocky shores,
and tranquil lakes; its classic domestic
architecture and ivied colleges;
its many historic sites where patriots
pursued the dream of independence.

An evocative and informative book,
with more than 100 photographs by the world's
best photographers, NEW ENGLAND is the next best thing
to being there.


Об авторе:

Moira Duggan is a writer and freelance editor
of nonfiction books.
A native New Yorker, she travels
frequently in the United States and Europe.
She is the author of the "New York City" and
"The South".


Язык: Английский

Книга содержит более 100 фотографий

Размеры: 225 х 290

Переплёт: твёрдый, суперобложка

Бумага: мелованная

Состояние: абсолютно новая
300 руб
Москва Указано на карте
Тип: Продаю
Автор: Ольга Кашина | Все объявления автора
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Дата: 24.04.2024 14:11
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